Measuring drawings
Throws generated from the 3d model.
![Rzut pionowy cerkwi](images/Koloza_plan.png)
Vertical projection of the church generated from the 3d model with the location of elements
![Rzut pionowy cerkwi](images/wall_N_W_draw_1.png)
plan wall N
![Rzut pionowy cerkwi](images/wall_N_W_draw_2.png)
plan wall N
![Rzut pionowy cerkwi](images/wall_N_W_draw_3.png)
plan wall N
![tunele na rzucie pionowym](images/Koloza_rzut_model_3d_1 tunele.png)
![tunele w rzucie ściany N](images/Koloza_wall_N_draw_tunele.png)
![tunele w rzucie ściany E](images/Koloza_wall_E_draw_2_tunele.png)
Wall projections with the location of tunnels
Vertical projection of the church generated from the 3d model with the location of elements
plan wall N
plan wall N
plan wall N
Wall projections with the location of tunnels