our task for the 21st century is to take care of our cultural heritage ...
the obligation for future generations to preserve and share
Since its founding, Gutenberg has been carrying out numerous activities aimed at developing and promoting Polish culture, art and scientific and economic achievements.
One of the priorities of the Brotherhood is to support the preservation of national heritage on the territory and abroad of Poland.
Numerous undertakings aiming at digitization of museums and archival materials from collections located in Poland are being carried out. Our efforts are directed to cultural heritage resources, unique to our geographical area - wooden and brick church architecture or non-public archival collections.
We pay special attention to undertakings aiming at the digitalization of museums and archival materials located outside Poland and to provide substantive assistance to Polish emigre institutions.
In our activities we will use state-of-the-art solutions enabling dissemination and facilitating access to resources of the Polish cultural heritage. One of the most important projects that we realize is the program "Digitization of collections of Polish cultural heritage". Due to its assumptions and objectives, this project has become a key task facing the association in the near future. Analysis of the situation in the field of digitalization of collections on the Polish market has clearly demonstrated that there is a great demand for a comprehensive solution to this problem. Digitization of collections of cultural heritage is also a necessity in all EU Member States through generally applicable directives. At the same time, large amounts of cash are available for EU projects to reimburse expenses incurred in implementing this issue. The development of information technology and the emergence of modern society force changes in the ways of making available the collections of cultural heritage. This applies to all kinds of collections - libraries, museums, archives, etc.
Digitization of collections consists in creating digital reproductions of museum collections, libraries and archives, transferring them to the memory of computers, developing them, and creating rules and tools for managing these collections. The ultimate goal of the project is to allow access to the collection as extensively as possible. The way to implement each project is to create teams composed of experts from different fields and define the principles of their cooperation. The beneficiaries of the project may be museums, libraries, archives.
Since 2011, the Fraternity has applied for funding for open competitions announced by the most important institutions of public life in Poland - the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Our applications were repeatedly accepted by the experts of these institutions and the resources obtained in this way enabled realization of digitization projects of cultural heritage resources in Poland and abroad.
Later in this page we present all our projects, which would not be possible without the financial support of the mentioned institutions.
The illustrated material, scientific descriptions and other materials presented on this portal are available under the "Creative Commons - Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 Poland Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0)" license. Non-commercial use of the work is permitted (copying, distribution, displaying and otherwise) provided that the copyright owner (Polish Guild of Gutenberg Knights), the author of the work and the owner of the good of culture are included.
The documentation of the Orthodox Church on Kalozha in Grodno
Digitalization of the Orthodox church in Grodno on the Kalozha. The project is being implemented in the years 2015 - 2017. The project is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Multi-language portal
Documentation of the castle in Podhorce
Project implemented in Podhorce, Ukraine. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Orthodox Church in Uście Gorlickie.
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Uście Gorlice. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
Orthodox Church in Nowica
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Nowica. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
Department of Orthodox Art - Castle Museum in Łańcut.
Interior digitization of the Department of Orthodox Art in the Łańcut Castle Museum. The project is financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
Castle Theater in Lancut.
Digitization of the Castle Theater in Lancut. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal.
Orthodox Church in Pielgrzymka.
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Pielgrzymka. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
Orthodox Church in Hanczowa.
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Hanczowa. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
Non public archives
Archive of Romuald Biskupski and Orthodox parish in Torki.
Project funded by the National Audiovisual Institute. Multi-language portal
Artur Grottger collection.
Collection of sketches and drawings by Artur Grottger in collections of the Lviv Art Gallery. Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Multi-language portal
Ukrainian Book and Printing Museum.
Digitalization of valuable items from the collection of the Museum of Books and Printing of Ukraine in Kiev. Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Polish-language portal.
Central Historical Archive of Ukraine.
Digitization of archival collections from the collection of the Central Historical Archives of Ukraine. Project funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Polish-language portal
Orthodox Church in Szczawne.
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Szczawne. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
Orthodox Church in Turzańsk.
Digitalization of Orthodox Church in Turzansk. The project is funded by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Polish-language portal
The first year of operation of the program "Digitization of Polish Heritage Resources"
Orthodox Church in Posada Rybotycka.
Digitizing the Orthodox Church in Posada Rybotycka. Project funded by the National Audiovisual Institute. Polish-language portal
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ul. Daniszewska 2
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tel/fax: +48 22 652 19 33
e-mail: kancelaria@bractwogutenberga.pl